Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Grasslands are considered one of the most biologically diverse habitats on Earth, home to a multitude of insects, reptiles, birds and mammals, many of which depend on one another for their survival.

The integrity of grassland ecosystems everywhere has been compromise primarily by the conversion of these ecosystems to agriculture, and more recently, the growth of towns and cities.
As a result many species are seeing a rapid decline.

In North American, the Great Basin and High Plains
Are threatened and losing ground. Prairie dogs are just one of the species that are impacted, but as a
keystone species, the loss of prairie dogs results in a loss of other species. Most notable are the mountain plover, swift fox and black-footed ferret.

Example of one:

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ecosystem for forest.

Sulphur pools and fluxes of a forest ecosystem. Solute pools and fluxes represented by short dashed lines and ovals, respectively; gases by broad dashed lines and spheres; solids by solid lines and rectangles

(1) review the various forms and quantities of sulphur found in forest ecosystems;
(2) discuss those processes which regulate sulphur dynamics and their influence on the cycling of other elements;
(3) suggest areas needing further investigation.

Ecosystem for Ocean

The underwater observatory gives scientists the ability to observe and begin to unravel all the factors that combine to sustain the oceanic ecosystem—how fresh water, plant detritus, sediments, chemical, and other materials run off the coasts; how they mix into the sea, increase turbidity, change the penetration of light, and add nutrients; how all these influence marine life, from microscoic plants to corals and fish; and how these change after storms and over seasons.

An ecosystem is a community of living things and their non-living environment, and may be as large as a desert or as small as a puddle. All ecosystems require energy from an external source – this is usually the sun. Plants need sunlight to photosynthesise and produce glucose, providing an energy source for other organisms. The living organisms in an ecosystem can be described as producers, consumers and decomposers. Producers are the green plants, which make their own food through photosynthesis. Consumers are animals who get their energy by eating other organisms: herbivores eat plants, carnivores eat herbivores or other carnivores, and omnivores eat both plants and animals. Decomposers (including bacteria, fungi, and some plants and animals) break down dead plants and animals into organic materials that go back into the soil.
An ecosystem is a community of living things and their non-living environment, and may be as large as a desert or as small as a puddle. All ecosystems require energy from an external source – this is usually the sun. Plants need sunlight to photosynthesise and produce glucose, providing an energy source for other organisms. The living organisms in an ecosystem can be described as producers, consumers and decomposers. Producers are the green plants, which make their own food through photosynthesis. Consumers are animals who get their energy by eating other organisms: herbivores eat plants, carnivores eat herbivores or other carnivores, and omnivores eat both plants and animals. Decomposers (including bacteria, fungi, and some plants and animals) break down dead plants and animals into organic materials that go back into the soil.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

7. Parasitic Roots

Parasitic roots are used to absorb food materials from thier hosts.

Example: Mistletoe and dodder.

6. Respiratory roots / Breathing Roots.

Some plants in swampy areas have branch roots that grow upwards, through the mud and into the air.

The exposed part of the roots are spongy and they take in air for breathing.

Example: Red Mangrove.

5. Storage roots.

Storage roots contain abundant nutrients and water. Therefore, they are swollen.

In some plants, such as radish and carrot, the storage roots are developed from the main root.

In other plants such as tapioca, sweet potato and cassava, they are swollen branched roots or adventitious roots.